Full description of TaskBar Scroller

 At first TaskBar Scroller was created as a joke, but after some completion we decided to upload the program. the idea is very simple. If you don't like to view only hours and minutes in your system tray, install this program to make your system unusual because it's possible to input any text and if you insert the [time] tag the current time will be added to your string in the HH:MM:SS format. For Windows XP users it's possible to choose the background according to the visual style you use. You can also choose where should the string scroll: in the whole systray (not suitable for the most of users) or in the clock area only. The setup window appears after clicking the string. If you're using the second version you are free to change the speed, the font and to enable the freeze feature.
 Download the last available version (1,09 MB)

Screenshot1 Screenshot2
 *All screenshots were made using version 2.0.7beta
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